
Station R

Outer exterior wall M 1

The eastern outer wall of the temple is less well preserved than the western. In the base (soubassement) there is again a geographical procession, this time the 22 Upper Egyptian nomes from Aswan up to a bit south of Cairo, each one followed by a field goddess. The preserved part of the procession starts in the north with the 8th Upper Egyptian nome, that of Abydos, somewhat south of Athribis in the 9th Upper Egyptian nome.

The first registers shows ritual scenes. The second scene from the south is part of the temple foundation ritual. The king is represented as strewing natron over the temple. The next scene to the north is the erecting of climbing poles for the temple god Min. Other scenes to the north show the king leaving his palace, while before him a priest in a leopard skin burns incense. The purification and the coronation of the king follows.

Along the temple wall there is the refectory of the monastery. It is a long, two-aisled room with a vaulted door in the centre and many round benches for sitting.